Phoenix Water

"Innovative Simplicity in Water Treatment"

38 Forge Rd, Spartan, Kempton Park, Gauteng, South Africa

+27 11 394 2220 / 1

What Makes a Lodge Eco Friendly?

Septic Waste Contaminating Nature
Septic Pollution

So, what makes a lodge Eco-friendly and sustainable? Well, there are numerous aspects to take into account. For example, does it have an efficient recycling program? Are Bio-degradable products bought in bulk to avoid purchasing too many plastic packages; are meals prepared using locally grown produce; and have renewable energy resources such as solar heating and wind power been implemented?

Phosphate contaminated leaching
Phosphate contaminated leaching

What measures have been taken to reduce your establishment’s carbon footprint and minimise its impact on the environment. To adhere to green guidelines so that guests can stay in a camp that is energy-efficient and non-toxic.

At Phoenix Water over the last few years, we have developed and manufactured a unique Black and Grey Waste Water Treatment Plant particularly designed around septic and conservancy tanks. The advantages of the (GUESS) Green Ultimate Eco Sewer System its100% environmentally friendly save up to 90% of all black and grey waste water to be reused for irrigation, washing of cars, topping up swimming pools, flushing of toilets etc. Its unique patented no clogging media, light weight quick and easy to transport and simple to install in ground or above ground, retrofit to existing and new septic tanks.

GUESS commercial sewer plant
GUESS commercial sewer plant
GUESS MBBR 260 Commercial Installation
GUESS MBBR 260 Commercial Installation

Green Ultimate Eco Sewer System

The GUESS system is very economical with its low energy consumption. Totally efficient and unique with its full Nitrification and De-Nitrification cycle and comply to the minimum DWAF General standards. For decades our Environment; Streams, Rivers, Dams, Oceans and Underground water are being destroyed by the use of septic tank systems. (Continue full article here)

See video here –

We would like to request an opportunity to introduce our waste water treatment / water saving plant to your establishment/s in order to contribute towards a combined goal to preserve our environment and its water resources.

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